Private label Mixtures for birds, pigeons and rodents in 15, 20 and 25 kg. bags and in retail packing.
Raw materials for bird, pigeon and rodent food
☀ Buckweat |
☀ Canary seed |
☀ Dari seed |
☀ Dunpeas |
☀ Groundnut kernels |
☀ Groundnuts [in schell] |
☀ Hempseed |
☀ Maple peas |
☀ Millet seed |
☀ Millet sprays |
☀ Mung beans |
☀ Niger seed |
☀ Panicum [yellow] |
☀ Rapeseed |
☀ Safflower seed |
☀ Sunflowerseed [white and striped] |
☀ Shirohie/Japanese millet |
☀ Vetches |
☀ Paddy rice |
☀ Carob cubes |
☀ Peas [yellow/white] |
☀ Peas [green/blue] |
☀ Sorghum [white] |